Sunday, May 20, 2007

Team Meeting - May 20

Welcome Dr. Walter Wood to our team! Walter is an ER doctor and the fourth MD to join our team.

Dr. Boersma update: We will be working with the crisis nursery, several orphanages, and assisting in staffing the ABC (African Bible College) clinic. ABC is expanding its clinic to include a pediatric ward and ER. Our doctors will be able to help prepare for these additions.

Fundraising update: Send your letters out ASAP if you have not done so already. Our team has raised $4,146 to date. The cost per team member has been increased to $3,300.

Bring 1 copy of your passport to our next meeting on June 24. Be sure to renew your passport if your expiration date falls between September 2007 and February 2008.

Medical forms: email your suggestions for a team medical patient form.

Wish list: we are compiling a wish list of medical supplies and medicines to either have donated or to purchase for the trip. We do have permission to bring prescription medications with us.

Doctors and nurses must submit an application for permission to practice in Malawi. It was originally thought that this would not be needed but ABC clinic has requested that we submit the applications. MD's should go to to complete the application. RN's application process TBA.

Reading recommendation: David Livingstone: The Truth Behind the Legend by Rob Mackenzie (ISBN 1857926153)

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